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Eddie 2.0 Reunion Report

Eddie 2.0: And a FINE TIME was had by all!

Coinciding with the 2022 Centenary Homecoming, roughly 40 of us old(er?) Iota Theta family partied in Shreveport.

For many more photos visit the several albums on the Photos page. Be sure log into Slaker and add your own pics to the albums.

All weekend we gathered for libations and stories in the Presidential Suite at the Shreveport Hilton.

Friday afternoon was our Symphony House reception, which included a visit from a few younger Iota Theta members and alumni, and a college update from Centenary President Dr. Chris Holoman. 

Friday evening Steve Law and John Weber hosted their Cocktail Party for the gang in the Presidential Suite.

Saturday morning Dr. Holloman inducted 1972 graduates into the Centenary Quinc Club (for all 50+ year alumni) at a special hosted brunch on campus: John Taylor, Kerry Bruce Tranum, Cammie Greve Dent-Thrasher, John Weber, Ray Turnbull, Paul Heffington, Priscilla Rice Mclean, Kay Trevathan Shelton.

Saturday afternoon Galen (Zack) Sanders hosted a tour of his car collection at Galen's Garage in Bossier City.

Saturday night was dinner at the Ron Robinson Theater, with videos of years gone by, remembrance of fraters lost in recent years, special honor for Ed Baker as our lynchpin for decades of friendship, tales of activities best left unpublished on the internet, and a chapter update report from the current Epiprytanis and Chrsypholos of Iota Theta. Thanks to Andy Shehee for arranging transport for the crowd between the hotel and the theater.

Thank you to all who were able to join us and make this a most memorable weekend.

Special thanks to all who worked hard for several months to make this great weekend happen, especially Priscilla McLean, Bruce & Lynn Morgan, Cindy Skarsten, Randy & Janet Avery, Frank McKay, Steve Law, John Weber, Andy Shehee, and Galen Sanders. 

And thanks to all who threw a little extra $ into the pot Saturday night. Bruce reported we finshed the weekend with all bills paid and about $50 left over.