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Frater Steve Weiss Passed on January 4, 2025.

We lost another Class of 1972 member just as we entered 2025. Steve had been fighting a  bout with cancer, and succumbed over the weekend. His wife Linda had been keeping Bill Hageman posted on Steve's situation. We will update information on arrangemts and services as we can.

SLAKER the Wonder Dog Welcomes all to Share 
Special Memories and Modern Connections 

Slaker - Everyonie's SweetheartThis site is for all the TKE 'family' at Centenary covering the late 1960's and early 1970's (roughly 66-75). The Class of '72 graduates have celebrated their 50th Reunion. Traditionally, many Nary alums (Tekes and friends) from other years also partiicpate in the reunions. We want to include you, also.  We can use this site to share news, arrange reunions and other gatherings. This is for anyone who was part of the TKE House crowd during those years. Because they are part of our family, we are also including spouses of fraters we have lost. 

The site is open to all former Iota Theta members and asssociates from the specified years, as well as spouses, significant others, and widows. If you know of a name not on the current list, but should be, please contact Cragin Shelton (douglas.cragin@icloud.com)  to be added to the site.

This site is not connected to FaceBook because of the many privacy and control problems in FaceBook. The host company, ClassCreator.com provides a much more robust privacy level for us. Also, some of our group may not use FB, and we do not want to limit them in getting together with the gang.

Please join in, complete your profile, and let us know where you are and how you are doing.

Send any questions or suggestions for the site to Cragin.