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Iota Theta Chapter, Centenary
Alumni of 1967 - 1975
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Iota Theta Chapter, Centenary
Alumni of 1967 - 1975
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Iota Theta Chapter, Centenary
Alumni of 1967 - 1975
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Select Year of Graduation.
James H. Jr. Anderson (1967)
James D. Arrington (1976)
Marlon Ashley (1977)
Donald J. Bass (1979)
Morgan R. Beamer (1978)
Nancy Beard
David W. Bell (1979)
James E. Bell, Jr. (1980)
Robert Blankenship
Ernie Blaylock
George S. Bryan (1974)
Glenwood L. (Zwolle) Bullard (1971)
Martin L. Camp (1976)
Sherman L. Carroll (1967)
William A. Cheyne, Jr (1979)
Robert Clark (1979)
David N. Cole (1979)
Mark S. Couhig (1976)
Gaylon L. Jr. Daigle (1967)
George B. Davis (1977)
Morgan K. Deare (1967)
David M. Deets (1974)
Joe W. Dennis (1966)
Richard N. Dodson (1980)
Robert E. Dodson (1975)
Edward Doremus (1964)
Roy Dupuy
Robert Edler (1964)
William Edler (1966)
Hal Eisner (1971)
Perry Everett (1975)
Patric R. Ewing (1967)
Michael D. Flax (1977)
Benny L. Fortenberry (1966)
Larry Frank (1967)
Mark E. Freeman (1975)
Sherman Gorton (1968)
Louis A. Graham (1975)
Jim (James F. ) Griffin (1975)
Richard Grisham (1967)
Vance Griswold (1965)
Kevin Hair (1978)
Dana Harris (1970)
Mark A. Harris (1972)
Dr. Lawrence C. (Larry) Hill (1972)
Eugene H. (Gene) Hill (1971)
William Hogg (1966)
James Horton (1963)
Frank B. Hughes (1967)
John J. Hume (1971)
Drew E. Hunter (1971)
Robert P. Inguaggioto (1969)
Roger D. Irby (1975)
Roy Jambor (1975)
Larry W. James (1967)
John K. Johnson (1979)
Leon Johnson (1975)
Jonathan B. Jones (1972)
Brian E. Kennedy (1980)
Dale F. Kinkelaar (1975)
Theodore A. Jr. Koerner (1968)
David Koon (1980)
John Laird (1970)
John L. Lambert (1978)
George Lawn (1964)
Richard Leyser (1969)
Joseph M. (Joe) Loupe (1968)
Brent W. Lutz (1979)
Donald H. Jr. MacKaman (1967)
Timothy R. McGee (1974)
Mark S. Messinger (1979)
Jim Morris (1976)
John E. Murphy (1973)
George S. Norman (1972)
Michael V. Ostenisky (1980)
Paul M. Overly (1975)
Gilbert R. (Randy) Pace (1970)
J. C. Perks (1966)
Patrick Pittelkow (1965)
Fred W. Jr. Pope (1967)
Charles A. Priebe (1975)
Newell Pugh (1964)
Robert H. Ray (1971)
William Reeder (1967)
William D. Jr. Reeder (1967)
William A. (Billy) Riggs, Jr. (1969)
Christopher Roach (1965)
Edwin S. Robinson (1977)
Richard A. Ryba (1977)
Daniel L. Sander (1975)
Nolan G. Sr. Shaw (2000)
Dr. Nolan Shaw, Jr. (1975)
Dr. Nolan G. Shaw, Sr.
Andrew M. (Andy) Shehee (1975)
David K. Sherman (1979)
Ronald N. Shuflin
Lee E. Sills (1965)
Calvert R. Smith (1975)
Larry G. Sneddon (1967)
William B. (Bill) Strange III (1971)
John R. Stroud (1967)
Richard D. Taylor (1975)
Robert M. Taylor (1979)
Dr. Johnny M. Tooke (1971)
John G. Walker (1969)
David A. Wheeler (1977)
Kenneth A. (Ken) Williamson (1971)
Van L Wilson (1979)
E. Paul Young (1975)
Howard N. Jr. Young (1965)